Thursday, 10 December 2009

Hello everyone! I didn't make a post for a long time... I have some time now so decided to post something...

One thing which I've been waiting very long that is the holidays! One more day to go! hahas.

Finished some tests on this week and last week. One of it is the phrase test, which is like a practical exam. I think I am ok with this test. The hard one which I think is the practical assignment 3. The assignment is on last week and it is hard... There are questions on subnetting which I don't know how to do. =( But I got some help from the teacher so I roughly understand it and roughly write the answers. Today have an online test to do. I also found out something mysterious... My mouse cursor moved on its own when I was doing the online test! The mouse has no problem, but actually I think is the teacher controlling my computer because the cursor moved and checked the answer of some questions. I felt a bit scary but I just stare at the moving cursor until it stops then continue with the test.

Will be post some random pictures, but I am having some problems so will try again later.

Shall stop here... Bye! =D

(Posted on 11 Dec, 2.18 pm)

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